The HandHold basket is an alternative to the standard FMCA series basket and can be configured for applications that would normally require field modification or a custom-fabricated box.The open bottom allows cables to pass through, and the ModuLine Insert Panel Bracket Kit (MPIB) gives you the ability to mount connectors in the ends of the basket.The Expander Panel options allow for further customization to allow for mounting of active devices in the bottom of FMCA2000 and FMCA3000 series floor boxesThe HandHold Basket is ideal for computer floor installations, can accomodate duplex power, and is available for the FMCA2000 (1ea) and FMCA3000 (up to 2ea) series floor box assemblies.
HandHold Order / specify as a line item below the corresponding FMCA series floor box.
MPIB ModuLine Insert Panel Bracket is used to mount a ModuLine Insert Panel (ordered separately) into a HandHold Basket without interfering with the HandHold opening. MPIB is not needed when MPR (duplex power) is used.
XP0028 Expander panel allows for mounting of 8ea Neutrik D®
XP0002 Expander panel allows for mounting of 2 gang device
XP0005 Expander panel allows for mounting of 1ea Decora® style device.
MEBP End Blanking Panel covers unused panel position.
Note: Maximum allowable space for mating cable mounted connectors may be limited by cover style selected. Cover may need to remain in open position while in use.